Electronic music (from German Elektronische Musik, English Electronic music) is a musical genre that refers to music created using electronic musical instruments and technologies, as well as using special computer programs. Electronic music operates with sounds that are formed when using electronic technologies and electromechanical musical instruments.
What is the name of very fast music
Speedcore is a style of electronic music, an extreme form of hardcore.
The fastest of all musical tempos is “Prestissimo”. Translated from Italian, this term means “very quickly.” The pulsation speed during the performance of such music is + / – 210 beats per minute. / There are other designations. The crossed-out tempo sign means to perform twice as fast as printed. /

What is the essence of electronic music
electronic music, english. Electronic music) – music created using electric musical instruments and electronic technologies (from the last decades of the 20th century – computer technology).
Who Invented Electronic Music
Lev Theremin – from music “out of thin air” to wiretapping without “bugs”. Lev Termen is a physicist-inventor, musician, businessman, Stalin Prize laureate and prisoner, as well as a man who is deservedly considered the father of electronic music.
When did electronic music appear?
Electronic music (German elektronische Musik, English electronic music) is music created using electric musical instruments and electronic technologies (computer technologies since the last decades of the 20th century). As a specific direction in the world of music, electronic music took shape in the second half of the 20th century and by the beginning of the 21st century it had become widespread in academic and popular culture.
The most popular genres of electronic music
To date, some of the most popular electronic genres are techno, house, drum and bass and IDM.
What genres of music are the most popular in 2021
The most popular genres in 2021 are pop music (neo-pop, pop rap), alternative (alternative rap, alternative rock), indie and electronic music (house).
What genres do DJs play?
- Dance.
- Dance-Pop.
- Dark Ambient.
- Deep House.
- Deep Techno.
- Detroit Techno.
- Dirty Rap.
- Dirty South.
Who is a DJ
The DJ is the person who decides which way the party will go, but he is both led by the crowd and controls it. It is not necessary to accept entries at all – although if the DJ plays on the day…More Information
Why do DJs play on the computer
Now DJs are increasingly playing from laptops. This is more convenient: you can store tens and hundreds of hours of music on your computer, and between sets you can work on your main job. Control the music…More information
What makes a successful DJ
Sometimes a successful DJ is not the one who plays well, but the one who looks good. Very often a successful DJ makes a good promoter. A lot in the life of a DJ happens through acquaintances and thanks to the…More information
What is the difference between house and techno
Techno is the brother of house music, which uses all the same elements, but is characterized by a faster tempo. Techno is dark, strict and mechanical. In the words of one of its founders, Juan Atkins, “it’s music that sounds like technology.” It also has a 4×4 rhythm and a speed of 120-150 BPM.
In short, house is the EDM version of “black” music (soul, funk, jazz), while techno is the EDM version of “white” music (rock). House usually has a “rocking” (also known as “shuffling”) feel, while techno plays “straight”.
What are song remixes called?
Remix (Remix) – processed (remade) version of the song. Most often this is a version of the track in a different musical direction. Bootleg (Bootleg) – unofficial Remix. That is, the artist or label did not agree to the remix of the track.
A remix is a version of a piece of music recorded later than the original version, usually with a more modern version of the arrangement. Sometimes it is created by “mixing” several parts of the original composition, imposing various sounds, special effects on it, changing the tempo, key, etc. Special cases of a remix are: remixing, megamix (compilation of several pieces of music).
What is a remix in music
What is a remix? A remix is a track that has been distorted or altered in such a way that it resembles the original song, but is altered so much that it appears as a standalone unit.
How to remix a song
One incredibly unique way to remix a song is to build your own chord progression to an existing tune. Of course, you may need a basic knowledge of music theory to change a chord progression, but you can also try working by ear, as many music producers do.
How to create a quality remix
The process of creating a quality remix is very creative and largely depends on your musical background, ideas and willingness to experiment. It is difficult to single out any strict rules in it, however, for beginners, we have prepared a memo of 10 tips that will help them at the initial stage.
What is the name of beat music
Bridge in popular music In this regard, the musical theme of the bridge, as a rule, differs markedly from the main themes both harmonically and melodically; often there is also a change in rhythm and tempo.
Electronic music or EDM.
Also known as dance music, club music, or simply dancing. Electronic music is a variety of beat genres of electronic music, usually intended for nightclubs, raves and festivals. EDM is created to be played by DJs who seamlessly play selections of tracks, called mixes or sets, as they transition from one song to the next.
What is the name of calm electronic music
Ambient is a style of electronic music based on modulations of the sound timbre. Ambient is often characterized by atmospheric, enveloping, unobtrusive, background sound. Born in the 1970s thanks to the work of Brian Eno; has since developed several varieties.
Chillout is called light electronic music, quite slow and calm. The genre originated in the early 90s in the famous Cafe del Mar bar in Ibiza. Chill-out compositions are designed to immerse listeners in the atmosphere of life on the island and Mediterranean sunsets. Unlike the lounge, which is close to jazz and created to create a relaxed and festive mood, chillout should relieve tension and promote relaxation.
What is another name for electronic music?
Electronic music or EDM. Also known as dance music, club music, or simply dancing. Electronic music is a variety of beat genres of electronic music, usually intended for nightclubs, raves and festivals.
What is computer music called
Electronic music (from German Elektronische Musik, English Electronic music) is a musical genre that refers to music created using electronic musical instruments and technologies, as well as using special computer programs.
What direction of music is
There are only four musical directions: folk music, sacred music, academic music and popular music. Each direction belongs to a certain number of genres of music and each genre has many subgenres.
What is the name of the chorus in electronic music
Chorus (Chorus/Refrain) Since the chorus is the most repeated part of any track, it contains the main lyrical and musical ideas. It is here that the main informational message of the composition is located, as well as the musical hook that catches the listener.
And here it is – chorus, chorus (just in case – read through K). By the name, you can guess what is intended to be performed by the choir, who has it. Another name for the chorus is refrain, from the Latin “repeat” – and indeed, it will be repeated more than once. It is the refrain that is the most catchy, affectionate part of the song, it is the one they whistle while walking in the park, they sing it while washing themselves in the shower.